
Causes Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Woman experiencing wrist pain

What are the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome?

  1. Repetitive Wrist Motions
  2. Diabetes
  3. Thyroid Problems
  4. Arthritis

The carpal tunnel is a passageway for the median nerve from your wrist to the hand. This nerve is responsible for the sensation you feel when your thumb, index finger, middle finger, and a part of the ring finger. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition where the median nerves are compressed, which leads to pain, numbness, and weakness. If you want to know the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome, keep on reading!

Repetitive Wrist Motions

People who work in a job that requires repetitive hand movements may be more prone to have carpal tunnel syndrome. Those who need to type for long periods, handle tools, or work in an assembly line are people who are at risk for this condition. Those who perform extreme wrist motions that also require force, like hammering, could also be affected. 

The recommended prevention here is to have frequent breaks when working. As much as possible, relax your hands and avoid extreme flexing. When using tools, it helps to keep your wrists straight instead of bending them to avoid pressure.


According to the Global Diabetes Community, 15 to 20 percent of people with diabetes have carpal tunnel syndrome even without nerve complications related to the illness. It was also said that it could occur even before the disease is diagnosed. 

When you have diabetes, your body has difficulty processing sugar that comes from food. This is either because of the lack of the needed insulin or because your body doesn’t utilize it well. 

High blood pressure levels can damage the blood vessels, which are connected to the nerves and make them prone to compression. This leads to the condition of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Thyroid Problems

Hypothyroidism is a condition that affects those with low thyroid activity. The thyroid gland is responsible for producing hormones that affect metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate. It also has an important role in the nervous system, and an underactive thyroid is commonly linked to neuropathy. 

Neuropathy is a condition in which the affected nerves are damaged or not functioning which causes weakness, tingling, and pain. This may affect the median nerves and cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Fluid retention is also commonly caused by hypothyroidism, which can lead to swelling which then compresses the median nerves.


The risk for carpal tunnel syndrome is also high when you have an inflammatory disease like rheumatoid arthritis. This condition is caused when the immune system attacks your own body and causes swelling of the joints.

In people with rheumatoid arthritis, the wrists are one of the joints that are commonly affected. The swelling results in the compression of the median nerve which leads to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Key Takeaway

Some causes of carpal tunnel syndrome are repetitive wrist motions, diabetes, thyroid problems, and arthritis. This should be diagnosed early to prevent damage to the median nerve.

Chiropractic care can help alleviate the pain that is associated with this syndrome. A professional chiropractor can help you without the need for medication or invasive surgery to treat your condition. Treatments include spinal manipulation, wrist braces, stretching exercises, and mobilization of soft tissue.

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