
4 Treatment Options For Frozen Shoulders

4 Treatment Options For Frozen Shoulders

What are the treatment options for frozen shoulders? 

  1. Apply a cold compress 
  2. Try anti-inflammatory medications
  3. Do stretching exercises
  4. Seek chiropractic treatment 

Are you experiencing swelling, pain, stiffness, or limited movement in your shoulder? You should consider learning more about the treatment options for frozen shoulders.

Frozen shoulder (also known as adhesive capsulitis) is a condition wherein the shoulder has a limited range of motion due to stiffness and pain. The disorder develops over time (two to nine months) and typically begins with an inflammation in the soft tissues surrounding the shoulder joint capsule (also known as the “ball and socket” joint) or an injury (i.e., fracture). 

The condition is commonly known as “frozen” shoulder because the more pain you feel in the affected area, the less likely you will be able to move your shoulder. When the shoulder joint capsule becomes immobilized, its surrounding connective tissues thicken and contract as well as lose the capacity to stretch. Overtime, you will find that you can’t move your shoulder as you did before. Reaching for an item and doing everyday tasks may become difficult to achieve too.  

The signs and symptoms of frozen shoulders are debilitating and typically begin gradually, worsening over time if left untreated. Continue reading on to learn more about the treatment options for frozen shoulders.

Apply A Cold Compress

The most common cause of frozen shoulders is inflammation. Inflamed soft tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and muscles are what characterizes this condition. For this reason, placing an ice pack on your shoulder for up to 15 minutes several times a day can help to decrease pain. Cold compresses help reduce inflammation and swelling through numbing.

Try Anti-Inflammatory Medications

Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen can help relieve the pain and inflammation associated with frozen shoulders. If they don’t help, doctors may prescribe stronger anti-inflammatory and pain medications. For example, you may be given a steroid infection (also known as corticosteroid injection) directly into the shoulder joint or soft tissues to alleviate the pain. 

Do Stretching Exercises

All the treatments for frozen shoulders are focused on relieving pain and restoring the shoulder’s normal range of motion. This is why the cornerstone of treatments are stretching exercises that concentrate on stretching the shoulder joint capsule, and later, on strengthening it. 

A licensed physical therapist or chiropractor can teach you appropriate stretching exercises to do at home. This can include pendulum stretches, towel stretches, cross-body reaches, outward/inward rotations, and the like. Once you have learned your limitations, you can commit to these exercises to recover your shoulder’s mobility.  

Seek Chiropractic Treatment

Seeking chiropractic treatment is an effective treatment for frozen shoulders. Upon your appointment, your chiropractor will review your medical history and do diagnostic tests to make sure that there are no underlying conditions that should be treated before chiropractic treatment is pursued. 

By definition, chiropractic treatment is a non-invasive​ medical solution that helps your body restore function. Without surgery, it helps your body effectively heal from within. Research has shown that chiropractic treatment is a safe, effective, and natural method to treat cases of frozen shoulder. A chiropractor will work to apply gentle manipulations and pressure to the shoulder joints to decrease pain and enhance recovery speed. One common chiropractic technique for treating frozen shoulder is known as the Niel Asher Technique, which involves shoulder joints and soft-tissue manipulations. 

A personalized treatment will be offered to patients, depending on how progressed the condition is. Additionally, a chiropractor can do stretches and provide lifestyle change tips to help reduce your pain. The holistic treatment can make a tremendous difference for those who suffer from frozen shoulders. 

Key Takeaway

In this article, we’ve rounded up treatment options for frozen shoulders. Remember not to neglect symptoms of frozen shoulders as they can worsen overtime. It would be wise to get it checked by your local chiropractor. At Chiropractor Philippines, we offer a variety of musculoskeletal treatment services, including solutions for frozen shoulders. With years of expertise and knowledge, we can help ease your suffering. If you want to inquire about Chiropractor Philippines’ services, click here

Our Alabang branch is located at MSA PRIME CENTER Ground Floor Unit #20 Madrigal Business Park, Muntinlupa 1780, while our Paranaque Branch is located at 44-A Aguirre Ave. BF Homes, 1720. 

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