
10 Reasons To Get Chiropractic Adjustment

10 Reasons To Get Chiropractic Adjustment

What are the reasons to get a chiropractic adjustment?

  1. Helps with neck and lower back pain
  2. Eases high blood pressure
  3. Treats scoliosis
  4. Treats sciatica
  5. Reduces inflammation
  6. Provides relief from headaches
  7. Can help with symptoms of neurological conditions
  8. Enhances athletic performance
  9. Lessens vertigo episodes
  10. Improves posture

There are many different reasons to get a chiropractic adjustment. Visiting a chiropractor, at a clinic like Chiropractor Philippines, may include a non-invasive treatment called a chiropractic adjustment. This physically adjusts the spine in your back, which can help you overcome a variety of conditions and symptoms. But is chiropractic adjustment right for you? To help you answer that, let’s take a look at the common reasons that our patients decide to get a chiropractic adjustment.

Helps with neck and lower back pain

This is probably the most well-known reason to see a chiropractor. Most people experience some pain or discomfort in the lower back and neck at some point in their life. While there are medications and surgical treatments for chronic cases, chiropractic adjustments offer an effective and safe treatment for reducing your back and neck pain. This is done via a non-invasive technique that is relatively painless, quick, and affordable. 

Eases high blood pressure

Studies show that having a chiropractic adjustment can reduce symptoms of high blood pressure. It may provide the same beneficial effects as taking certain high blood pressure medications. The beneficial effects of chiropractic care on high blood pressure could also last up to 6 months.

Getting a chiropractic adjustment is ideal for those with high blood pressure who want to avoid the negative effects of their medication, such as nausea and fatigue. 

Treats scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition wherein the spine curves abnormally, which can cause severe pain, trouble moving and breathing, and postural abnormalities. There are only a few treatments for scoliosis, one of which is a chiropractic adjustment. It can help treat the spine directly by realigning vertebrae and manipulating soft tissue. The result is a decreased spinal curvature, which reduces the symptoms of this condition. 

Treats sciatica

Sciatica is another musculoskeletal condition caused by a damaged or pressured sciatic nerve, which causes pain to radiate from your lower back down your legs. This condition can lead to chronic pain and discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments can relieve the pressure on the pinched sciatic nerve, which greatly reduces the pain caused by the condition. 

Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is the leading cause of bodily aches, joint issues, and muscle tension. Chronic inflammation may lead to other conditions, such as autoimmune disease, heart disease, and even cancer. Luckily, regular chiropractic adjustments are known to help reduce inflammation. As a result, chiropractic adjustments provide relief from all the aches and pains you may be experiencing. 

Provides relief from headaches

Your constant and terrible headaches, particularly tension headaches, may be caused by a spinal misalignment. This is because muscles become tense and strained, which can reverberate up your spine and towards your head, causing a headache. When a chiropractor can readjust your spine to the right position, it can reduce and even eradicate your headaches. 

Can help with symptoms of neurological conditions

As we mentioned previously, chiropractic adjustments have been shown to help in regulating a healthy flow of blood around the body. Likewise, they can promote the flow of other fluids, such as cerebrospinal fluid. So, chiropractic adjustments have a possible therapeutic effect on the brain, which can significantly help those dealing with neurological conditions, such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.

Enhances athletic performance

Several effects of chiropractic adjustment, such as promoting blood flow, enhancing mobility, and reducing inflammation and pain, can help your body recover and stay in top shape. This is especially beneficial for those seeking to stay active, as well as for athletes who want to improve their athletic performance. This is why you see many professional sports teams have regular chiropractic treatments. 

Lessens vertigo episodes

If you have vertigo, then your episodes of dizziness can make it near impossible to do everyday tasks without feeling disoriented and nauseous. This condition may become even worse after a recent head or neck injury. But, chiropractic adjustments can help treat the joints and vertebrae that are the root cause of your vertigo and restore your natural balance. This helps reduce the number of episodes you’re experiencing. 

Improves posture

You may have bad posture. This is a common problem nowadays with the work-from-home situation. If so, visiting your chiropractor and getting adjustments can make some very important structural changes to your body. Your chiropractor will ensure that your spine is perfectly aligned, which helps in assuming the perfect posture. Regular adjustments may also help you stand taller and stronger. 

Key Takeaway

As you can see, there are many reasons to get a chiropractic adjustment from our expert doctor at Chiropractic Philippines. Coming to our clinic and consulting with our chiropractor is a great way to address various musculoskeletal problems through non-invasive, painless, and safe treatment methods. Contact us today to learn more about what chiropractic care can do for you, or to book an appointment!

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