
How To Treat Vertigo

Stressed man with headache

How can you treat vertigo?

  1. Medications
  2. Lifestyle changes
  3. Canalith repositioning maneuvers
  4. Chiropractic care

Vertigo is a condition that causes sensations of spinning and dizziness. Vertigo is commonly caused by a balance problem in the inner ear or central nervous system (CNS). The symptoms of vertigo may last for a few seconds, but they can also be severe that you find it difficult to keep your balance and do everyday tasks. This is why patients often find themselves wondering how to treat vertigo.

Treatment for vertigo depends on what is causing the condition. In many cases, vertigo can go away without any treatment. But if you find yourself struggling to go about your daily activities, it might be time to learn about these four treatment options for vertigo. Read on.


In some cases, medication may be prescribed to relieve symptoms associated with vertigo. Depending on the main cause of your vertigo, symptoms of swaying, headache, sweating, ringing in ears, loss of hearing, nausea, motion sickness, or spinning may be felt.

If a patient’s vertigo is caused by an inflammation or infection, antibiotics or steroids may reduce the swelling and cure the infection to reduce symptoms. For vertigo caused by Meniere’s diseases, diuretics may be prescribed to decrease pressure from fluid buildup in the ear.

Lifestyle Changes

While there are medications available to reduce the symptoms of vertigo, there are natural treatment options that do the same job without the potential side effects. One being lifestyle changes. This can include:

Canalith Repositioning Maneuveurs

There are a series of recommended head and body movements for vertigo known as canalith repositioning maneuvers. The procedure moves the bio-crystal particles (otoconia) in your inner ear that cause dizziness to a part of your ear where they won’t. Professional physical therapists and chiropractors can help achieve this.

Chiropractic Care

Many patients with vertigo wonder if chiropractic care can help reduce the symptoms of vertigo. To answer the question, yes. Vertigo is mainly caused by problems in the inner ear, which controls your body’s balance and spatial orientation. Chiropractors use two techniques to help aid patients with vertigo and regain their sense of balance.

The first one is chiropractor adjustments that allow the nervous system to function optimally and facilitate better communication between the brain and body, including the ear, lymph, and the immune system. In turn, this helps the patient heal faster. Chiropractic care is especially effective for vertigos caused by ear infections.

The Epley maneuver is another technique used by chiropractors to treat vertigo. This is a repositioning procedure designed to put the head at an angle from where gravity can help relieve vertigo symptoms. There are specific tilting positions of the head that can move the crystals of the air. As a result, they stop displacing fluid and relieve the dizziness.

Chiropractic adjustment and the Epley maneuver are non-invasive and don’t involve cutting into the body. They aid the body holistically, allowing it to recover on its own.

Key Takeaway

In this article, we’ve rounded up some solutions on how to treat vertigo. This medical condition can make it extremely difficult to do even the most basic everyday tasks, so it’s important to reduce its symptoms.

If you seek relief from vertigo, consider seeking chiropractic care. At Chiropractor Philippines, we have years of experience in treating patients with vertigo. Click here to book an appointment with our licensed chiropractors in Manila today!

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