
5 Treatment Options For Herniated Disc

Therapist holding anatomical model

What are the treatment options for herniated discs?

  1. Initial Pain Control
  2. Physical Therapy
  3. Flexion-Distraction Technique
  4. Pelvic Blocking Technique
  5. Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA)

Herniated discs are a very common condition and one of the leading causes of back and leg pain. This happens when there is a displacement of disc material beyond its normal confines. Dealing with a herniated disc can cause a great deal of dysfunction in your day-to-day life, and leaving it untreated may lead to chronic weakness and fatigue. If you’re struggling with this condition, you may be afraid of surgery and believe you have no other alternatives. However, several non-invasive treatment options for herniated discs are designed to help you recover and alleviate your pain. Read on to learn more!

Initial Pain Control

A few methods are used on patients as an initial treatment to alleviate your pain and discomfort before moving onto the next stage. You may be prescribed one or a combination of a few of these control methods to manage your pain.

You may be advised to use ice or heat applications at first. These are used to ease inflammation, soreness, and muscle spasms. They can also help to relax your body.

Another method is to take pain medication. You may recommend non-prescription drugs such as ibuprofen to treat muscle inflammation. You may also be prescribed muscle relaxants to reduce the number of cramps and spasms you may be experiencing.

Bed rest is also recommended as an initial pain control method. However, this is best limited to only one or two days, as having extended rest can lead to more stiffness and muscle soreness.

Physical Therapy

There are two types of physical therapy used in treating herniated discs. The first is called passive physical therapy, and they include the use of ultrasound machines and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) units. A TENS unit delivers small electric pulses through electrodes and stimulates your body to produce more endorphins.

Active physical therapy is the second and is used to rehabilitate your spine. It utilizes a comprehensive program that includes a combination of stretching, strengthening exercises, and low-impact aerobics.

Using simple hamstring stretches, back and core exercises, and aerobic options (such as walking or swimming) all help to strengthen your body and recover from muscle soreness and pain.

Flexion-Distraction Technique

Chiropractic methods are the most tried and true techniques used to treat herniated discs. A flexion-distraction approach is one of those treatments. This treatment has you lying down on a special table that stretches out your back and spinal column. The chiropractor makes sure you are in the proper position before using a specific hand technique to address your problem area.

This hand technique stimulates the disc while the spine is stretched out and gently moves the disc towards its original place. This treatment option greatly reduces your pain as it moves the herniated disc away from your nerves.

Pelvic Blocking Technique

This chiropractic treatment has you lie on a chiropractic table with cushioned wedges placed underneath your pelvis. The position of the wedges helps in changing your posture and removing weight from your spine. This relieves the pressure being placed on your herniated disc and draws it away from the spinal nerves and muscles being affected.

This method does not use any forceful adjustments — instead, it uses a slow and gentle method to balance the lower back and hips. This realignment stretches out the lower pelvic area and relaxes your muscles and ligaments naturally.

Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA)

While uncommon, this treatment option can be the appropriate chiropractic method for some herniated disc conditions. Manipulation under anesthesia is typically performed in a hospital or ambulatory care center. Sedation and the duration of sleep for the patient is very short — about six minutes — and is still non-invasive.

While you are in this relaxed state, your chiropractor will begin the treatment. They will stretch and manipulate the treatment area with no pain on your part. This would typically take around one to three sessions to finish, and each session would be spaced two to four weeks apart.

Key Takeaway

Treatment plans for your spinal problems don’t have to be painful or difficult. Non-surgical treatment options for your herniated disc are available for you to manage your pain and restore your movement.

If you or a loved one needs treatment and is seeking non-surgical solutions, now is the time to take action. Contact our team at Chiropractor Philippines to make an appointment and receive top-of-the-line care for your spine.


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