
Lower Back Pain Treatment in the Philippines

Lower Back Pain Treatment in the Philippines

How is lower back pain treatment in the Philippines? 

  1. Consultation
  2. Laboratory Tests
  3. Home Remedies
  4. Medications
  5. Physical Therapy
  6. Surgery
  7. Chiropractic Care

Lower back pain can come and go. Some people experience them due to sitting in a weird posture for a long time, or because of underlying medical issues. It may be treated by home remedies, but more severe cases may require medical care. If you’re interested in how lower back pain treatment in the Philippines works, keep on reading!


Before a doctor will require you for testing, he will first look at your physical condition. He will ask you about the level of pain you feel and how you move. Then, he would ask about your medical history. 

This is because lower back pain can be caused by many things like an overused muscle, a slip disc or injury, spinal problems, and common conditions like stenosis, spondylitis, spondylosis, and scoliosis.

Other non-spinal causes could be pregnancy, kidney and bladder problems, and illnesses that affect the reproductive system. If your doctor suspects these, he may require you to undergo specific tests.

Laboratory Tests

These exams can help your doctor further point out the cause of your lower back pain. You may be asked to take tests such as an x-ray, urine or stool analysis, blood tests, MRI or CT scans, bone scans, ultrasounds, and electromyography.

Home Remedies

Most people rely on home remedies as a first aid relief. Some beneficial tips would be to apply a cold compress until the swelling has subsided and resting from physical activities.

Most people who experience lower back pain experience get well after trying these home remedies. But if symptoms persist after 3 days, it is recommended to consult with a doctor.


If you consult with a doctor, he might prescribe medication to help you manage your pain. These may include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen to relieve pain, pain reliever creams, muscle relaxants like baclofen, antiseizure medicine such as pregabalin, and opioids or narcotics.

Physical Therapy

If your doctor refers you to a physical therapist, they will assign exercises to help you move better, improve your posture, and strengthen your body. This will depend on the severity of your pain. Other physical therapies include the application of heat and cold compresses, massages, and also electrical stimulation. These are also beneficial before or after you undergo surgery.


In severe cases, surgery may be a good option. Problems with the spine can be treated with spinal fusion to improve spine strength and a laminectomy which removes the lamina to open up more space for the spine.

Procedures that target problems with the disc can also be done. One of the most common ones is a discectomy to remove a part of a disc on people who suffer from a herniated disc.

Other examples include intradiscal electrothermal therapy and nucleoplasty which both use needles to be inserted to heat the disc. 

To target the nerves, some useful treatments are radiofrequency neurotomy and implanted nerve stimulators to interfere or block nerve signals.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors can help with non-invasive, non-addictive, and holistic treatments for lower back pain. Instead of medications and surgery, this treatment includes physical therapy, spinal manipulations, and also changes in lifestyle to prevent the recurrence of back pain. 

If you’re interested in this treatment, look for a professional with a lot of experience and training from reputable institutions. 

Key Takeaway

There are many methods of lower back pain treatment in the Philippines. For those that experience lower back pain, the usual first aid is home remedies. If symptoms persist, it is recommended to consult a doctor. From there, you will be able to see what has caused your lower back pain as well as how to treat it. 

If you are interested in chiropractic care, a treatment that is both non-invasive and non-addictive, you can contact us here. You can also reach us through our mobile numbers on 0927 580 5047 or 0961 407 8028 and landline number which is (02) 708 928 93.


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